Creative and Efficient IT solutions.

Allied Assets™ is an union of creative minds, dedicated to finding and providing the highest quality IT solutions, that can do the job.

Life is a jungle and you need lions, to hunt the 'antelopes', because mice will be no good.

We are lions.

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Apple Certified Developer Google Play Aproved developer

Apps  |   Web   |   MS Sharepoint   |   360° Virtual tour      Contacts

The idea that drives us forward.

"Everything is possible".

We strive to be first choose in creating and implementing inovative and efficient IT solutions for medium and large international companies. Our clients are large, mid-size companies and NGO's, which are looking to enhance their presence through usage of centralized innovative and effective IT sollutions.

Our values:

iOS & Android Apps

We produce Apps for Apple iOS and Google's Android. We have many great skills, but one thing that stands outs is our in-house user manipulation system called Atmospherics™ . Atmospherics™ will help you make the cash cow.


Our iOS & Android Apps Rocks!

The devil is in the details. Your idea might be great and still you can miss the train loaded with tons of $. You need to understand that paying attention to details always pays off. We know that and follow that rule all the time. In the end it helps you to get the right approach towards building your successful app.

Besides that, of course we have great team of experienced software developers, designers and physiologists.

We are really delivering it at:

  • iPhone App Development
  • iPad App Development
  • Android phones and tablets App development
  • Cross-platform apps using PhoneGap

Get a FREE quote now!

Producing web of the finest quality

Do you know exactly what you want from the web site or not? This is the question.

Well, in few words we can produce anything connected to the WEB.


We are WEB Ninjas

We are creating WEB sites that make *WOW*. You will be proud of your web page.
We can take care for your Corporate website, E-commerce store, Smartphone website version or your Facebook Apps.

Technologies that we use:

  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • PHP / MY SQL
  • Java / JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • Compliant Coding
  • Usability
  • Security Audits
  • Client Side Scripting

Microsoft Sharepoint Solutions

We are a leading SharePoint IT solutions provider - a powerful platform allowing enterprises to build intranet portals and automate processes. On top of it each organizations can create its own solutions perfectly addressing their specific needs.


Corporate and educational video

To be honest in the beggining we weren't that smart to pack videos into products. It was only by the request of a customer. WE THANK YOU FOR THAT Mr.P.

It was a game changer for us. We started producing the future of Entertainment. People don't want to read big chunks of text anymore. They want to see and listen. Watch videos.

We are really good at:

  1. Creating videos on complicated topics.
    • @reasonable price!
  2. Presentational, Educational or Image making videos
    • @great custumer satisfaction

We can deliver it. In time and particulary everywhere in Europe, North America and Australia

We 360° Virtual tours

Sometimes words aren't enough to describe it. You have to see it yourself!


360 Virtual tours

A virtual tour is an opportunity to give the consumer the full experience of what he will get visiting your place. We offer an interactive media format that contains a full 360 degree view of any location in High Definition.

It is perfect for:

  • Hotels, Malls, Retail Centers, Health Facilities
  • Tourist destinations, Famous Places
  • Universities, Public Projects
  • Real Estate

You will be given interactive add-ons within the standard package as nowhere else!

Our Clients

Take a look at our clients and join them.


Want to see our work?

Web client screenshot If you want to see our work you can download our portfolio from this section. Enter your e-mail to recieve the link for downloading our portfolio.